Blog Archive

Friday, February 3, 2012

Food and Art in Barcelona

Spain is an amazing place. They have different kinds of foods. My favorite kind of food that I have been eating since the first day, are tortillas de patatas.  There is stuff called Kinder sopresas.  It's hollow and sorpresa means surprise.  Also inside it has a plastic thing that you open and then it has a toy. I also like the art.  It's amazing how they carve it, shape it,and design it it's great! Guell is also an amazing artist.  The first week I went to park Guell.  It all has interesting stuff like there is also people drawing. But also has people that draw other people.  I saw someone drawing someone else. It was actually a cartoon. And I actually got to go up next to a person and I learned how to open a fan by whipping it. So I learned a lot.  There was even a museum and it has a very cool thing and it has a million kinds of foods and the top, bottom, left and right has mirrors so it looks like it never ends!!!  I even tricked my brother Nolan into thinking that I was gonna drop my hat.  So that's all, bye!


  1. I can't wait to try some tortilla de patatas. They sound very interesting and they must taste really good if both you and Olivia like them.

  2. Nolan does too. They taste like potato pie!

  3. Hi Sofia,
    I will be visiting Spain for the first time this year, and now I know what one of the first things that I will do when I get there - eat! Actually, as I am writing this, it is Super Bowl Sunday, and all day all I have heard about on television and read about in the newspapers is about all the food that people will eat today. It is making me hungry!
    I really, really like your poem. I hope that you will continue to write about the things you see and do as it makes me feel as though I am almost seeing the same things you do.
    Mrs. LaMattina

  4. Replies
    1. Yes they are very good. But when should I Skype with you? What time should we Skype ? I think we should do it on Saturday or Sunday and what time?
