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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nolan's European Observations

On Pompeii:  "We're going to Pompeii tomorrow to see all the people.  Just kidding.  They're all dead."

To Olivia at the Vatican:  "Olivia, I love you more than this museum."

On using men's or women's  bathrooms in Paris:  "They all look like girls here anyway."

Upon walking inside the Coliseum in Rome for the first time:  "WOW, not interesting."

While watching a TV program that showed the Eiffel Tower and the London Eye:  "Olivia, I think the view is better from the Eiffel Tower than the London Eye."

On ants in Rome:  "These are kittens. They're a different kind of kittens."

While making pretend he is soccer star, Lionel Messi: "I'm Messi.  Ouch, Pepe just hit me."  If you're not familiar with Pepe, you'll have to YouTube search more of Pepe to get that one.

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