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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Worries of Protest

     Today, students at my father's work, The University of Barcelona, were protesting. We were about to leave a restaurant when the worker told everyone to stay inside because of the protest. Sure enough, when we looked through the window of the door of the restaurant, there were the students. They were running away. Nolan was crying when he heard a noise that sounded like a gun shot and screaming, "THEY ARE SHOOTIN PEOPLE!", Sofia was starting to believe him, and Cassandra, like me, was surprised that they were protesting, considering how high the prices are for college in America compared to Spain. On our way back, we saw police everywhere! Some were even wearing masks with padded suits.They came in trucks, cars, and even helicopters! I found several red ribbons from the protesters! That morning, before the police came, Cassandra, my dad, and I had seen the students in the middle of the street wearing masks, holding signs, and chanting. Hopefully, the protest won't last too long!

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